The aimless musings of a guys whose bright ideas evaporate when commited to paper. Things that rattle around in my head include, life, politics, things Korean and of course variety meats.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

When I thought about starting a blog I figured that since I'm full of hot air and have an opinion on everything (especially the stuff I know nothing about) it should be easy. I overlooked my ingrained laziness and, given the specific theme of this blog, my aversion to photography.
This particular post is a bit of blogwhoring. While reading Liminality I came upon the diagnosis of one of my issues. According to the BigHominid, I'm a victim of GOMAS: Get Out of My Adventure Syndrome. It explains why I have to suppress a scowl when I run into a fellow non-Korean on the street and why I hate Itaewon. As I often say to my Korean friends when they ask why I don't frequent that area, "If I wanted to see people who look like me, I'd go home."
As it happens, I am going home. It appear that the blog that started with the lofty goal of ~60 posts will end this project with less than ten. I leave with one of the main questions that brought me here unanswered and with a lot of trips untaken and sights unseen. Barring death or divine intervention I find it inconceivable that I won't be back. (Welcome to the Hotel California) I'm not sure what I'll do, Korea is a goldmine for those interested in EFL and a dry well otherwise, but I've got a few years of school to figure it out.


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