The aimless musings of a guys whose bright ideas evaporate when commited to paper. Things that rattle around in my head include, life, politics, things Korean and of course variety meats.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Ambiguous Thanks

1) Life: My great horde of readers must be aware how conflicted I was about my car accident but on balance, being alive generally beats being dead.
2) Family: I live at home. With my parents. After being away for almost 4 years. I'm sure I will find myself writing about the drawbacks of the situation but right now I want to focus on the good. My parents do their best to avoid being meddlesome while staying their encouraging selves.
3) Education: I'm glad to have the opportunity to be in school even when I don't seize it the way I should.

My life is filled with continual tension between satisfaction with my life and dissatisfaction with myself. While other people have raindrops fall on their heads, I just spit forward into the wind and then look surprised.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


As reported earlier on this very site, I took Level 2 of the KPT last year. As I am in the US this year I decided to study the next two levels and take Level 4 next year.
plans... mice... men.... blah blah blah
This plan of mine depended on one basic assumption; proportionality. I figured that Level 3 would be as hard for me now as Level 2 was before I started studying for it and by that same logic that 4 would be the same once I mastered 3.
Well, there were at least three major flaws with that assumption. The simplest is that levels don't have to be equidistant and they rarely are. I should know this from teaching ESL (I think that's supposed to be EFL). The second is that I had lived in SK for around two years when I started studying for Level 2, I had a preexisting base of knowledge. The third is related to the second, I was living in SK at the time and learning and practicing everyday. Now I'm in the States where most of what I do with Korean is forgetting. So, given my world-renowned powers of concentration, I'm pretty sure I'll be ready to take the Level 1 by next year.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


지난금요일밤에 난 교토사고 당했어요
11시지나서 집에가다가 너구니는 길에 뛰어나왔는데 죽이지않고 피하려고 길에 벗어났어요
차가 나무 충돌할때까지 모두 괜찮다고 생각했어요 (충돌 뭐인지 몰라 사전에서 나와)
"그냥 길에 다시 들어가서 나중에 친구랑 재미있는 이야기 할게요"
꽝소리 나서 그렇지않다고 깨달았어요
너무 놀라서 잠깐 앉아 있었지만 연기난 것같아서 빨리 내렸어요
다행히 불아니고 airbag 때문이었어요
경잘 빨리 왔는데 아빠 부르고 집에 갔어요
차는 수리할 수 없지만 난 무사해요
그 날 밤애 잘잤어요

일요일 새벽 7시 전화왔어요
부모님 친구딸 교통사고로 죽었어요
그녀는 예쁘고 똑똑하고 착한 사람인데 나랑 전혀 달라요
이해안가요 지난 나흘동안 그런 생각이 자주 나요
죽은날 언제인지 아무도 알수없다

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